The buzz over BEE POLLEN

Wellness |

Touted for its health benefits, BEE POLLEN has emerged as a nutrient-dense anti-aging SkinFood & Hollywood beauty fave! 

Bee Pollen for Health + Anti-aging + Weight-control & more

I L-O-V-E learning about the latest and greatest trends in Health & Wellness, don’t you?  My latest obsession – Bee Pollen for Health, Anti-aging, Weight-control and more.   Ok, yes – bee pollen consumption isn’t exactly a new thing.  The use of bee pollen has been recorded in medical records dating back to 2,735 BCE.  That’s 2,735 years Before Christ or Before Common Era.  In other words, a long fricking time.  Today, there are a myriad of people who still swear by its health benefits.  

Let’s look at what exactly bee pollen is and the purported health benefits.  Then we’ll get into how it can help with anti-aging and weight-control plus…. I’ve got 4 delicious RECIPES using bee pollen for you to try!  We’re talking Coconut-Almond Granola + Roasted Root-Veggies + Garlicky Avocado Toast + an Acai-Berry Smoothie Bowl.  You know I love my food!

Important to Note:

Generally, bee pollen is considered very safe, but it may cause allergic reactions in people allergic to honey, pollen, bee-stings, allergic asthma, blood disorders or liver disease.  It’s not recommended for kids or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  If you have any medical conditions, check with a doctor first! 

What the heck is Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is made up of pollen that the worker-bees gather from flowers and bring back to the hive. There, it is packed into tiny balls by other worker-bees, placed into special honeycomb chambers and coated with honey and beeswax.  It is then used to both feed baby honeybees (awwww!) and act as the main source of protein for the rest of the bee hive.

Potential Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

+ Relieve inflammation

+ Improve athletic performance

+ Speed up the healing process

+ Reduce Stress

+ Strengthen the immune system

+ Work as a dietary supplement

+ Work as an anti-oxidant

3 Quick Highlights of the Above


Protect body and skin

Antioxidants protect the body and skin against the damaging effects of free radicals, which have been linked to a range of diseases and aging.  Studies have shown that bee pollen contains a high-amount of antioxidants, which can be really important for those suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.


Increase energy and boost mood

Because of its many nutrients, bee pollen can be an effective way to increase energy and boost mood – especially in those who are stressed, depressed, elderly or ill.   Bee pollen has also been shown to both increase brain tissue circulation andboost mental ability that has been compromised due to stress.  These results were shown even in small amounts of bee pollen taken on just an occasional basis.​


Increased energy and vitality

Bee pollen contains carbs, protein and B vitamins all of which contribute to long lasting energy.  Its ability to rejuvenate the body, stimulate organs, enhance vitality, improve energy levels and accelerate the rate of recovery has made it a popular go-to for a lot of athletes.  I’ll take 2, please.  


As with most anything, you can find studies that support the actual health benefits of bee pollen – and studies which say that its benefits were found to be inconclusive.   However, as a food – bee pollen is at least nutritious and is a good source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs, is extremely rich in carotenes and high in B complex vitamins and Lecithin.   To me, common-sense says that something doesn’t exist for thousands of years without there being at least some merit to it.  

Bee Pollen for Anti-aging & Weight-control

About a month ago, I had the TV on in the background as I often do when working.  Ironically it helps me to concentrate.  My ears immediately perked up when I heard, “Victoria Beckham swears by bee pollen as the reason for her youthful skin.”   As do (allegedly) a number of other celeb’s like Gwynneth Paltrow, Kourtney Kardashian (oh come on – you know you love them), and Meghan Markle.  

Truth – I’ve never been someone to buy a product just because a celebrity uses it.   They’re just people, with the same judgement-ability as the rest of us.  Sometimes less judgement ability, but that’s for another Post.  Plus, I always suspect they’re somehow getting compensated for endorsing so….take it with a grain of salt.  That being said – when someone looks amazing, I want to know what she does – no matter who it is.  Whether it’s Victoria Beckham or my next-door neighbor – right?   

Skin and Anti-aging

Bee pollen is changing the rules 

Heralded as a nutrient dense Skin-Food, bee pollen is loaded with skin boosting substances including zinc, silica, anti-oxidants and fatty acids, that are said to reduce wrinkles, increase firmness, radiance and heal stubborn skin conditions with regular daily use. Bee pollen is now changing the rules when it comes to keeping our skin healthy in a natural, holistic way.   

Weight-control and Detoxification

Appetite suppressant + Natures true weight-loss food

Bee pollen is coming to be recognized as natures true weight-loss food!  Naturally low in calories, bee pollen has actually been popular for years as an amazing source for weight-loss and weight-stabilization.  This is primarily due to the amino acid Phenylalanine, which acts as an appetite suppressant.  

Bee pollen also corrects possible chemical imbalances in body metabolism, which can be responsible for either large weight-gain or loss.  In weight-loss programs, it speeds caloric burn by lighting and stoking the metabolic fires.  Translation – it helps get us into our skinny-jeans ;-).    As if all of this isn’t convincing enough – bee pollen also contains Lecithin, a substance which helps dissolve and flush fat from the body, which is detoxifying.  

I had to make myself eat

It’s a strong appetite suppressant 

I started using bee pollen a couple of months ago.  The first time, I added 2 tsp into my favorite Espresso Protein Shake which I had around 10am.   By 3pm – I literally had to make myself eat something, which is not normal for me.  I mean, I love my food.  I was just flat-out not hungry.  That day wasn’t an anomaly – it really does suppress the appetite.  

Caveat – the instructions on the bag, say to start with 1/3 tsp and work your way up to 1 tsp or more a couple times a day.  Me being me, I figured if a little is good, more is really good.  So, I ignored the instructions and started with 2-tsp in one shake.  The top of my mouth felt a little tingly for a few hours and I had zero appetite – but other than that, it was fine.  

Final Details!

You’ll wanna know….

Where to buy it

I use Stakich Bee Pollen

I use this high-quality brand, by Stakich.

Buy it pretty much anywhere.  I’m an Amazon Prime freak…. ummm, hassle-free next day delivery?  Yes please. So, of course I order online. After researching, I settled on Stakich Bee Pollen Granules.  They’re 100% pure, unprocessed and high-quality.  I like the taste and they’re SO easy to add to most anything you like. 

What to look for – quality varies

The quality of brands can vary greatly.  High-quality, fresh pollen consists of soft, fragrant, pliable granules that have not been pasteurized or heated.  Bee pollen comes in granules, powder and capsules.  I prefer the granules, because they have a sweet-nutty taste and I just enjoy it more.  Regardless of the form, be sure to get one that is freeze dried immediately after harvest.  This helps extend the shelf life without reducing the nutritional content.   

How to Use It & Recipes!

Eat raw – heat destroys the enzymes

If you get the granules – you can mix them with any food you like orpop them into your mouth directly and chew them.  I’m not crazy about that method – bee pollen tastes weird to me, when eaten straight. It’s way more delicious in a shake, sprinkled on roasted root veggies or used in homemade granola.   

Always eat it raw!  You don’t want to cook it, add it to boiling water or to food that requires heating. Heat destroys the live enzymes in the pollen and lowers its nutritional value.

Try BEE POLLEN in these delicious Recipes!





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