BEAUTY SLEEP isn’t a myth! Lack of sleep affects your body on a CELLULAR level. It contributes to weight gain, aging, heart disease, happiness & more. Waaaa-waaaaa….
Sleep Plays a Key Role in our Physical Health, Longevity and Mental and Spiritual Well-Being.
It’s so true! I mean, most of us understand that sleep is good for us, right? We look and feel rested the next morning, have more energy, are more alert and generally have more patience than when we’ve pulled an all-nighter. Blah blah blah.
That being said, most of don’t realize the depths of why it is so important – and the true damage that a persistent lack of sleep has on our entire being. It affects our cells, heart, skin, mental well-being, weight, mood and ability to learn.
Sleep is one of the most underrated elements in a healthy lifestyle
A good night’s sleep means 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. This serves as the foundation for everything restorative in our bodies.
A lack of sleep affects your body negatively at a cellular level, contributes to weight gain, overeating, and negatively affects the way in which you treat others…… and of course when we’re snippy with others, the Universe gives it right back to us in spades. No fun!
Over time, sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and depression. Without enough sleep, our judgment, mood, happiness, and ability to learn are weakened.
Enough gloom and doom! Let’s look at the good stuff, shall we?

8 Amazing Things Sleep Will Do For You
#1 You’ll Eat Fewer Calories
Have you ever noticed that you tend to be starving the day after a poor night of sleep? That isn’t a coincidence. Sleep deprivation actually stimulates your appetite. Ugh! One of the most effective diet tricks is just getting enough sleep!
#2 You’ll Have Better Weight Control
Yup, that’s right. Getting enough sleep helps us maintain or lose weight! Studies have shown that people with a short sleep duration, tend to weigh much more than those getting adequate amounts of sleep.
The other part is behavioral: I mean, think about it…. On the days when we haven’t gotten enough sleep the night before, and wake up feeling exhausted – do you really feel like hitting the gym or cooking healthy? NO! Me neither! Pizza on speed-dial sounds easier, but uhhh – that’s not helping us to squeeze into those skinny jeans. Ugh.
#3 You’ll Build Muscle More Easily
Bonus! Ever wonder why fitness magazines focus on getting plenty of sleep? It’s because sleep allows the body to repair and heal the stress done to cells and tissues during weight training and cardio. Get the maximum benefit from all of your hard work – by getting your 7-8 hours! Need a little help? There are actually healthy bedtime snacks that promote sleep…

#4 You’ll Feel Brighter, Happier and Positively….Positive!
Ever notice that when you’re exhausted, you also feel cranky, emotional and short-tempered? Poor sleep affects emotional regulation, making us more emotionally volatile and easily irritated. It tends to amplify negative emotions and that’s not fun for anyone. Good sleep leaves you feeling refreshed, sharp, motivated and excited for the day to start! You’re much more likely to be kinder and gentler with others, and they will respond in kind. It’s a positive Catch-22.
#5 You’ll Stay Sharp as a Tack
Your mind is clearer, sharper and more focused after a good night’s sleep! Conversely, lack of sleep leaves that annoying fuzzy-brain feeling. Sleep loss impairs attention to detail, decision making and increases the likelihood of making silly mistakes.
#6 Good Sleep Lessens Problems with Depression and Anxiety
Over time, limited sleep can lead to mood disorders such as depression or anxiety. Even if you don’t necessarily feel “depressed,” but rather just a little low—a lack of enough sleep may be to blame. Over time, lack of sleep can slowly chip away at your quality of life and happiness. To be clear, the relationship between sleep and mood is far more complex than what I can state here, but it is at least helpful to be aware of the relationship.
#7 You’ll Have Healthier Skin
Ever notice that after a restless night or 2 of sleep, your skin seems to look tired, dull and older? It’s not your imagination. It’s the lack of sleep.
In part, when sleep deprived, the body makes more cortisol (the stress hormone), which in turn can increase stress and inflammation in the body—affecting the quality of your skin!
A good night sleep will allow your body’s hydration to rebalance, recovering gorgeous, much needed moisture in the skin.
As we enter deep sleep, our body repairs damaged cells. Without deep sleep—this can’t happen, allowing small breakdowns to accumulate instead of being reversed overnight. The result is more noticeable signs of aging. This is the science behind beauty sleep!

#8 You’ll Feel Less Stressed
A good night’s sleep can lower blood pressure and elevated stress hormones, which are all too common in our busy lifestyles. Over time, the physical effects of stress wears on our bodies, degenerating cells and propelling the aging process! Sleep helps to slow down this process and aids in relaxation.
Of all the things we do to stay healthy – eating well, working out – sleep is the easies, so take advantage of it!
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