Office Rockstar! 6 tips that’ll make you standout.

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I’ve hired and promoted countless professionals. Talent being equal – there were 6 key things that always seemed to separate the ordinary from the Rockstars. I’ll share them with you!

6 Things That Will Get You Promoted

So easy – you’ll wonder why no one else is doing them!

Whether you’re just starting your career or have been at it for years – it’s never too late to separate yourself from the pack.  In a good way, of course!

Over the years, I’ve hired and promoted countless professionals. What I’ve come to notice is actually really interesting…. It was rarely those with raw talent and natural skill who rose up through the ranks. It was most always, those with average talent who put in that little extra, who were the Rockstars – ultimately edging their counterparts out of a promotion.

Looking back, there was a common thread shared by all Rockstars. They all did 6 Key Things that the others did not. The exciting part? These 6 things are SO easy – to do, it’s a wonder everyone isn’t doing them. That is the entire philosophy behind the old saying “the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”

It’s rarely the big things that make someone standout. It’s usually a culmination of seemingly benign, little things that make a difference. Why? Because most people are lazy. They want to do the bare minimum and call it a day. That’s the truth. Capitalize on their laziness by doing a little extra. If you’re an ambitious goal-setter – and I know you are!… This is going to be really eye-opening and exciting when you see how easy these 6 things are to implement.

6 Rockstar Moves that’ll get you Promoted:

FILO:  Be First In Last Out

Always beat Deadlines 

Don’t Complain. Present the challenge with 2 proposed solutions

Be shrewd with company money 

Under-promise and over-deliver

Watch your alcohol: 2-drink maximum

1. Always be FILO:  First In Last Out 

Rockstars were always first in the office & the last ones out. Since higher-ups also come in early and leave late – Rockstars got noticed by the right people, for all the right reasons.  It also gave them an opportunity to build professional relationships with key people. This is such an easy way to rack up brownie points, it’d be foolish not to take advantage of it!

2. Always beat Deadlines  

Truth is, if I gave my teams a deadline of Friday 5pm for a report, to me that meant 5pm was the absolute latest… like the bare minimum.  I secretly always thought that those who got it to me at like 4:59 were a little lame.  I know…. But I couldn’t help it. It’s like they were doing the absolute bare minimum.

Rockstars consistently beat deadlines by a comfortable margin. I naturally attributed to them, stronger organizational skills, better time management, and a general desire to be something more than average.

3. Don’t complain to your Boss.  Present a challenge with 2 proposed solutions.

Every company, whether small, large or mega-huge, has its issues and problems. It could be a crappy product, flawed system, annoying colleagues, out-of-touch executives, or a myriad of other issues. I have never, ever worked for a perfect company – because they don’t exist. 

The Rockstars naturally sought to solve problems, looking for alternative options and workable solutions. While their counterparts complained & whined in the break room, the Rockstar was busy thinking of workable solutions to bring to her boss.

Present your boss with the Challenge plus 2 solutions:

+ Calmly outline the challenge at hand. 

+ Outline how it is affecting you/company/client. 

+ Keep emotion out of it. Calm + logical is the ticket.

+Present 2 potential solutions to the challenge. 

+ End by asking “What are your thoughts?” 

Rockstars take the above approach, immediately separating themselves from their peers, reflecting a level of maturity and business savvy. Now you’ve positioned yourself as solutions-based, not problems-based!

You’ve also done the work for her! Or at least some of it. Instead of dumping a problem at her feet like a 3-year old saying “fix my toy!” . . . . you’ve done the work,  taking the task off of her plate.  At the very least, you have provided a platform for discussion. Either way— good equity! 

4. Be shrewd with company money 

Here’s the thing – the vast majority of employees will spend right up to the allowable company limit, every time. Rockstars were more responsible with company money. How did I know? Well, I didn’t know with 100% surety – but if they had a $400/month car allowance for gas, and some months they only expensed $100, while everyone else was coincidentally always at exactly $400 – I connected the dots.

Consistently coming in comfortably under your expense allowance, will make you stand out!  You’ll have “exercises good judgement, can be trusted” equity next to your name. If you are unsure if an expense is “ok”—make it a point to ask. The mere fact that you ask, scores brownie points. 

5. Under-promise and over-deliver 

Rockstars are dependable. If they said they could do something – I knew I could depend on them. They understood the value of not being the big-talker who couldn’t back it up. They had a knack for setting expectations slightly lower, yet delivering more than what was promised (over deliver). 

For example – Let’s say you’ve promised to have deliverables to a client by Friday, but instead deliver on Thursday, you’ve under-promised and over-delivered. You’re looking good! 

6. Watch your alcohol – 2-drink maximum for “Work Appropriate Fun”

If I had a penny for every CEM (Career Ending Move), that was fueled by too much alcohol at a company event, I’d buy an island.  Sometimes it’s really funny to watch . . . well, ok . . . it’s almost always really funny to watch when it’s not you!  Here’s the thing. We all want to cut loose and have fun.  Companies know how important reward trips and celebratory events are, to good morale.  That’s why they’ll shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it.

I know – looks good doesn’t it 🙂

Alcohol is most always a part of this, I mean – it sort of fuels the fun, right?  Right! It can also obliterate everything you’ve worked to achieve, in one night, if you aren’t careful. You can go from promotable—to sidelined in an instant, or worse yet . . . fired. I’ve seen it happen. 

Even if you don’t completely act a fool, do you really want bosses and executives to see you slurring words and wobbling around in your holiday dress and 4” heels? Lol – NO!! At the very least, they’ll note poor judgement. Not good, amiga!

Rockstars know how to have “work appropriate fun”…. you know what I mean! Work-fun is different than night-with-the-girls fun! Personally, I recommend a  2-drink maximum at any work-related event.  Not because I’m a buzzkill – ummm….I’ve never been accused of being un-fun, lol.  It’s just being smart 😉

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