LOVE & Astrology: How the Science of Compatibility Can Help YOUR Love Life!

Wellness |

Happy Valentine’s Week Ya’ll!

We love, love, LOVE Valentine’s Day around here. It’s a nice lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’ to break up the time in-between the end of the holidays and spring!

Chez Pelly, we don’t exchange gifts (I mean, enough already – right?). Rather it’s just a nice time to say “I love you” – exchange cards, watch movies & make homemade pizza or something ;-). My dad always gets “his girls” – aka, my mom, sister and myself a little box of Sees & a nice card. He’s done that since I was a baby. Aww….

We don’t exchange gifts on V-Day….. buuuuuut I wouldn’t be mad if he got me THAT. Just sayin.’

This year – I wanted to do something fun for all of you! SO…..

Meet Jackleen Holton

Astrologer, Spiritual & Intuitive Coach & Author

I’ve brought in my personal Astrologer of over 20-years, Jackleen Holton – to shed some light on exactly HOW we can use the science of Astrology to help us with Love, Relationships & Compatibility by analyzing & comparing both of your Astrological Charts (an exact snapshot of the stars at your precise date, time and location of birth!)

I did this for Oliver and I few years ago – and it was pretty fricking amazing. We learned about areas where we completely align, but we also learned where our key challenges were & more importantly – HOW to go about navigating them.

Jackleen has been my personal Astrologer & Spiritual Coach for 20+ years. She is truly amazing – and I want to share her gift with all of you 😉

She can analyze your relationship (or even a potential relationship!) too….

More more importantly, you can have her analyze your relationship too. By taking your respective birth dates, plus the time and location of birth – she creates your individual Astrological Charts.

(Natch, her Contact Info is at the end of PLUS she’s got a special offer for ya)….

From there, she’s able to compare them and perform an in-depth analysis of both parties Natal Charts can facilitate a deeper understanding of the relationship in areas of compatibility, strengths & challenges

My Conversation with Jackleen:

Love & Compatibility

Let’s get after it!

Q. A few years ago you made Astrological Charts for Oliver & I, followed by a “Couples Reading”. Can you tell everyone how that works?

Jackleen sez…..

“Yes, Astrology is also known as the science of compatibility. I can look at two charts and see whether the energy they generate together makes something better than the sum of its parts.

This is the only reason to be in a relationship with another – that each is enhanced by the other and that energy sends both partners into the world more powerfully and more alive.

Oliver & I had a Couples Reading, and she helped to point out where we are likely to be the strongest – as well as where our biggest challenges lay. More importantly, we talked about ways in which to navigate through them. It was an incredibly enlightening, positive experience.

Q. What about Challenges? How can Astrology help us navigate Relationship Challenges?

Jackleen sez…..

Every time two charts get together, there will also be challenges. I can point those out and also the remedies for them. Astrology wouldn’t be a workable science if there weren’t remedies for those aspects in ourselves and others, as well as any given time period or situation, that challenge us

One of the nice aspects of your chart with Oliver’s is the Mars/Venus conjunction in Taurus, which can be a sign of enduring love between partners.

Q. Have you ever had 2 people who were just NOT right for each other? What happens then?

“Yes, there are always those charts that can’t “play nice” with each other regardless of how much one tries. I am not shy about letting people know that they could find more harmony, love or support from another partner.

But if two charts have enough good aspects, astrology can be very helpful in showing partners how to up their game and maximize the love, luck and adventure in the combination of their two charts.

It’s YOUR story…. make it a happy one. <3

Q. This is great info! Any general guidelines on what to look for in a partner?

Jackleen sez…..

“Yes. A couple of good, but by no means absolute rules-of thumb:

First Guideline:

If a potential partner was born 90 days, give or take a day or two, from your birthday, you might want to walk the other way. This is a square between sun signs, which means you will clash in important ways.

If a potential partner was born 120 days, give or take, from your birthday, he or she might be a keeper. This is a trine, the most favorable aspect between sun signs, which suggests a basic harmony.

Of course, a chart reading goes beyond sun signs. I look at all the planets and how they interact, which gives us much more to go on.

Second Guideline:

If a suitor has two out of three of the major markers in their chart: sun, moon and rising sign, in the same element (water, air, fire or earth) as two or more of your three markers, there is a good chance of overall harmony. This one requires a little more knowledge of astrology, but in my opinion, everyone needs to know their big three (sun, moon and rising) as well as the element of each. 

Astrology can also help with the right DATES for weddings, business ventures…..

Astrology is not only great at looking at compatibility, or what challenges and opportunities may arise, it’s also good for choosing the right dates for events such as weddings, surgeries, or business launches to name a few. This is called electional astrology, and I can help with this, too. 

Love it! How can people CONNECT with you for a Reading? Deets, pls!


  1. Most of my sessions are by phone, however, I can also do Zoom or Skype sessions.
  2. APPTS: Email: jackleen@innercirclecoaching OR Phone: (619) 275-1731
  3. 15% off for first-time-clients (on traditional and transformational astrology sessions – what we’ve just talked about!)
  4. Visit me:

Enjoy your Reading with Jackleen!

I seriously just LOVE this woman, and I want to share her with all of you. She’s truly helped me through some pretty challenging times – as well as helped me to prioritize during times when things were SO exciting – that I couldn’t see straight! lol. It’s the double-Aries in me 😉

In short, astrology has a lot to teach us about ourselves, our relationships, and how to organize and navigate our lives for maximum success.  Here’s to ya!

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