Greens are one of the most potent, powerful foods on the planet. They are pure medicine, hiding in plain sight. They burn fat, reduce bloat, inflammation – and give you radiant skin!
Going on a Bender & Eating Like Crap
Have you ever been away on vacation or just gone on a bender where you were eating like total crap? Like, seasoned curly fries, ice-cream sundae’s, really good sourdough bread with butter, pastas….. or just tons of restaurant food in general. Ok, c’mon – I’ll raise my hand first. I’ve totally done it.
It’s really fun until it’s not. All of a sudden, your body CRAVES a big, huge fresh salad and steamed vegetables. Just good, healthy food! You can’t get home & back to your own fridge fast enough!
Our bodies are smart. It knows what it needs and communicates it to us constantly, if we listen. I know, I know! Most of us DO incorporate healthy greens into our diets – the challenge for most of us – is eating enough greens, and eating them on a consistent basis!
Sometimes we all just need a little push. PUSH.
I get it. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with the same ole repertoire of greens, cooked the same exact 1 or 2 ways. We’re all busy and it takes effort to branch out and actively look for other healthy green options!
For me, this can easily lead to getting bored with my food – which then leads to leaving them off of my plate more often than I should. I mean – if I have to make roasted brussel sprouts one more time, I’m going to hurl! No Bueno!
The fact of the matter is that GREENS are so flipping healthy, with such unbelievable nutritional value, that I really, really make the effort to branch out & include 4-6 cups of greens into my diet everyday. I always usually do it. 😉
Need a little GREEN inspiration to get you back on track? I gotcha sis-tah.
Let’s get after it with 10 of the Healthiest Leafy Greens you can eat!

#1. Kale
Kale is high in protein, fiber, Vitamins A, B, C, and K, Folate, and even an omega-3 fatty acid. Not to mention it is also chalk full of powerful antioxidants!
What it Does for You
Since it’s full of protein and fiber, kale makes you feel full. This means you eat less which translates into weight loss and proper weight maintenance. Meanwhile, the antioxidants protect you against free-radicals and cancers, fight off heart disease, and reduces inflammation throughout your body.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
Kale is virtually tasteless, which makes it a great addition to any salad or smoothie recipe! Easily get your daily dose of antioxidants and at least 4 vitamins your body needs.
#2. Spinach
Spinach is another nutrient-packed green that that is great for daily consumption. Loaded with antioxidants, iron and fiber, along with vitamins A, C & K, it doesn’t get much healthier than spinach.
What it Does For You
It’s almost like, what doesn’t it do for you! Spinach fights off cancer, reduces blood pressure levels, has high amounts of fiber that can reduce bloating (umm, yes pleeezzz!!), ease constipation and leave you feeling fuller, longer!
Oh, and oxidative stress— you know, the crap that accelerates the aging process—spinach also fights that by reducing free radicals. I’m seriously IN!
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
So easy to incorporate into your daily diet – you’d be silly not to! While you can for sure eat it sautéed alongside your meal or in an omelette – I like it best fresh. Honestly, I find it way easier to incorporate into my day that way.
I usually make a fast salad for lunch using spinach as the base plus I throw a couple of big handfuls into a smoothie in the afternoon. It doesn’t taste like anything, especially when blended with frozen fruit and a little almond milk. It’s a total no-brainer!

#3. Arugula
Arugula is one of those greens we tend to forget about, ok – at least I do. No reason – I think spinach and kale are my regular go-to’s. Someone please break me out of my comfort zone!!??
Anyway, back to our show: Arugula is high in isothiocyanates, (I seriously can’t even pronounce that), which have anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its leaves are also high in vitamin A and K and it’s a low-calorie food with has loads of antioxidants!
What it Does For You
Cruciferous leafy greens like arugula are shown to prevent cancers such as bladder, colon, breast, lung, and prostate cancers, among others. It’s also great for weight loss thanks to its nutrient density with low calorie impact. Oh, and it offers detoxifying nutrients, dietary fiber and gives you ongoing energy.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
Arugula has a peppery taste, which makes it a great addition to a fresh green salad. You can also toss it into a green smoothie. Maybe I’ll get a little crazy and add it to my spinach smoothie tomorrow…because that’s just how exciting I am.
#4. Romaine
Honestly, I always put romaine in the same category as ice burg lettuce – meaning, barely any nutritional value. Ummm…. No. I was wrong. It’s actually incredibly nutritious – loaded with vitamin A, K, and C and is also high in folate. Just two cups of romaine provides 164% of our daily vitamin A and up to 38% of our daily vitamin C requirements!
What it Does For You
Romaine lettuce is great for gene regulation and cell differentiation, both of which stop free radical damage in the body. And if you want healthier skin and eye sight, you’re in luck! But perhaps most intriguing is romaine lettuce’s ability to help with weight loss. Its low calorie, high nutrient and water content make it a great addition to your daily diet. The water and fiber in romaine also help the body get rid of excess water weight, thus reducing bloat.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
Put it on a cheeseburger. Kidding-not-kidding. Ok, to be healthy – I use it as a base for my grilled chicken or shrimp salads! As with almost any other green – it’s easy to use in a smoothie!

#5. Micro-Greens
Micro-greens vary in type. However, most of them are rich in zinc, iron, potassium, copper and magnesium. These tiny veggies are high in antioxidants and have an aromatic flavor.
What They Do For You
Microgreens have high amounts of minerals and antioxidants that are beneficial for fighting off certain cancers, and they also can lower your risk of heart disease and improve your cardiovascular performance. Some studies show they lower triglyceride and other bad cholesterol levels.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat Them
If you are looking for a new garnish for your curry, or omelets, try some micro-greens!
#6. Bok Choy
Bok Choy has crazy high levels of vitamin A and C, with just one cup providing up to 140 percent of our recommended amount of vitamin A and 75% of our needed vitamin C. They also have high amounts of phytonutrients and minerals like manganese, folate, calcium, and iron. If you want a green that’s good for every part of your body, bok choy is IT, baby!
What it Does For You
Vitamin C is well documented to encourage the growth of collagen. Collagen plays an essential role in keeping our skin and hair healthy and vibrant! It can even help smooth over fine lines, wrinkles and skin imperfections. If you suffer from skin illnesses such as eczema or acne, it can help there too.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
Get all of your vitamin A and most of your vitamin C by enjoying on one cup of Bok Choy in your favorite stir fry recipe or by eating it raw in a salad! My husband uses it in his green smoothie. I have yet to try that little gem – it sounds disgusting.
#7. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is another delicious green that is high in antioxidants and fiber. If you want to fight off free radicals that can lead to cancer and other illnesses, then reach for Swiss Chard!
What it Does for You
Reduce bloat, improve digestion, and stabilize your blood sugar levels with swiss chard. If you want to maintain or lose weight, you definitely want to add this green to your diet.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
One of the best ways to eat swiss chard is to Sautee it with coconut oil and then add in your eggs or make it in a hearty soup if you want a healthy serving.

#8. Cabbage
Cabbage, it’s so underrated! It’s got all the goodies—dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. You can’t get this level of vitamins and minerals in any other green.
What it Does For You
Cabbage is highly recommended for healthy weight-loss due to its high water & fiber content. It’s also super low in calories, so feel free to fill ‘er up!
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat It
There are so many ways to eat cabbage including shredded in your salads, boiled in soup, or even steamed into your favorite stew!
#9. Turnip Greens
Turnip greens are also high in antioxidants and contain a nutrient called glycosylates, which are linked to preventing colon and rectal cancers from developing. You can also benefit from high amounts of vitamin K, A, and C. And they contain more than 10 times the amount of vitamin A than cabbage!
What They Do For You
Turnip greens can fight against so many illnesses including heart disease and cancer. You can also fight off diabetes with these yummy and diverse greens.
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat Them
Basically, any place you would normally eat kale or spinach you can sub turnip greens. They are so good sautéed in lemon, garlic, salt and pepper, and a bit of olive oil.
#10. Beet Greens
Beet greens are packed with vitamins K, C, A, and B vitamins. You’ll also get some major minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron as well as a healthy dose of fiber—both insoluble and insoluble. And if you’re looking for phytonutrients, like those that prevent chronic disease, then you’ll fall in love with them.
What They Do For You
In addition to all those healthy additions above, beet greens also act as a prebiotic in the body and keep your gut microbiome healthy—a huge plus if you’re looking to reduce bloat!
Fun & Easy Ways to Eat Them
These young greens can be easily paired with other greens like cucumbers and fruits like oranges for a deliciously healthy morning smoothie!

Ok ladies! There you have it – the top 10 healthiest greens you can eat.
+ For the next 4-weeks, incorporate 4-6 cups of LEAFY GREENS into your diet, every single day.
+ Note how you feel today – right this minute.
+ Over the next few weeks, mindfully take the time to really consider the way you feel both during the process and at the end of the 4-weeks.
I suspect you’ll start to feel incredibly amazing!
Who’s IN? Share your Comments, Feedback and Results with all of us!
Love this one!
Thanks Shelli. Great information. And I love the way you make ALL the greens sound so yummy and easy to work into your healthy living diet.
Thank you Kathy! So happy that you enjoy it!