What I’m THANKFUL for this SEASON (5 Things)

Wellness |

Happy Holidays All!

I know….. It’s been a rough year. As we all cheered and toasted the new decade last year, who would’ve ever thought that we were only months away from a global pandemic that would throw even the US into a state of chaos and havoc, right?

Even though it’s affected everyone differently – it HAS affected everyone. No exceptions. As I was sitting here thinking about 2020 and all the fun things we “didn’t get to do” like vacations, dinners, concerts, parties….. I had to stop myself from getting sucked into the vortex of negativity and switch gears!

Instead of being a “Bittermen” I started to focus on all the things for which I have to be THANKFUL!! And guess what? The longer I did it, the lighter, happier & more positive I felt.

So without further ado – Here are…..

5 Things I’m Thankful For This Season

Use them as INSPO to write your own Thankful List and feel your positivity level start to rise. πŸ˜‰

Let’s chat face to face….

1. The Safety & Well-Being of Family

For me, this is hands-down the foundation upon which everything else it built. Without it, there would be a hole in my heart. When forced to answer the question “What’s most important to you…” it’s family. It’s not the stuff. It’s not the houses, the cars or the vacations……

It is without question, the happiness, safety & well-being of my family.

This year extra-emphasized that. I thought about what would happen if one of my parents got Covid and died. No joke – my blood ran cold & I stopped breathing for a hot minute.

I’m thankful that my parents & sister live within walking distance to our home. I’m grateful that we’ve all been able to be together safely, during the year. Especially as the holidays have come about.

The Fam

2. The Basics – Food, Home & Resources

This year has caused me to slow my roll, and gain a heightened appreciation for The Basics. You know, things that a lot of us (have) probably take for granted. Plenty of food in the cabinets, a safe home, hot water when you go to take a shower, financial peace of mind.

Things that seemed like a big deal, or a priority before – just aren’t. I think that’s a good thing!

I’m THANKFUL for simple date-nights. Pizza Port, Concerts in the Park….a UFC Event πŸ˜‰

3. Our Health

I had Covid in March

How many times have you jumped out of bed in a hot-ass hurry – ready to get the day started and taken for granted, your body’s ability to do what you want?? Gym, Work, Errands…. Me too. All the time.

This year, I remembered to appreciate it. Most of you probably don’t know that I got Covid in early March. Yah, seriously. I wasn’t hospitalized, but I’ll tell you what – I was down for the count and candidly, a little scared. I was thinking “this could go south in a second.”

Since then, I’ve had a renewed appreciation for the physical strength and health that I subconsciously assumed would always be there. The fact is, it can be taken as quickly as it’s given.

I have a renewed sense of THANKS for our health. It can be taken as quickly as it’s given.

4. Those Who Have Hurt Me the Most

Yup. This one isn’t specific to 2020 – but it’s one that regardless of the year, has always been on my THANKFUL List. Weird? Nah – hear me out first.

The people who hurt us the most, are the ones who help us grow the most, at an exponential rate.” – Me

Now to be clear – I’m not saying they’re taking one for the team and hurting us out of a conscious sense of benevolence.

Rather, I believe these people are spiritually brought into our lives as messengers or catalysts, to teach us important life lessons needed to help our souls growth.

Whether it was an outright betrayal, or someone turned out to be very different from what I thought – those who hurt me the most are the ones from whom I learned the most valuable life lessons, in the shortest amount of time.

Think about your own life & those who hurt you the most. What was the message? What was the lesson? How did it contribute to your own growth?

Where we are today is due (in part) to lessons learned from hurtful people in our past. For that – I’m THANKFUL.

5. The Opportunity To Do What I LOVE

Last but for sure not least….. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do what I LOVE to do, not what I HAVE to do. The thing that has always filled and brightened my soul the most, is sharing what I know & helping to fuel the growth of others. Hands down.

Blogging & YouTubing is my dream job, because I can share my knowledge & best-finds with others on a bigger platform than everyday life. I do this not for “the attention”. I do it quite simply – because I love to share. πŸ˜‰

Your turn!

Think of what you are most Thankful for. It doesn’t have to be from this year. Write down the first 5 things that come to mind, without censoring – it’ll make you feel happy & light!

Happy Holidays!

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