Sleek & Toned Arms in 15-minutes!

Fitness |

5 Exercises + 3 Rounds + 15-minutes to Tone the Arms!

I made this 15-minute Sleek & Toned Arms Workout as part of my “Summer Swimsuit Workout Series” because who doesn’t want Sleek, Toned arms, especially during the summer when, ya know – pretty much everything is sleeveless!

How to use the Workout

Although this is just a 15-minute Arm workout, it is very efficient and effective for a couple of reasons: 1. The exercises are back-to-back with no breaks in-between Sets or Rounds. That means we are getting the absolute most benefit in a short amount of time. 2. Each exercise targets a specific arm muscle – Triceps, Biceps, Deltoids/Shoulders to give you toned, gorgeously defined arms!

2 ways to use this workout, for maximum benefit:

  1. Add Cardio: Start with 20-30 minutes of Cardio, then add-on the Arm Workout. This gives you a good calorie burn, then quick arm sculpting. Done in 35-45 minutes!
  2. Incorporate into your workout: It’s always good to freshen up your workout. Incorporate the Arm workout into your normal workout routine.

Why It’s Effective
This is a no-futzing around workout, meaning
I don’t waste time taking endless breaks or
taking forever to move into the next exercise.
We go directly from 1 exercise to the next without
stopping, burning out our muscles. That’s why it’s effective.

Make sure your weights are challenging! Ideally a Light, Medium & Heavy set. Now let’s workout!

Just the FAQ’s!

Q. Does the “weight” of my Weights make a difference?

A. Yes, it absolutely does. Sculpting & defining muscles depends in part on creating small “tears” in the muscle fiber which your body then works to repair post-workout. If your weights are too light and not challenging, you aren’t creating the necessary tears. You’re essentially pumping air, which isn’t doing much good.

Q. How heavy should my weights be?

A. Ideally, you want 3 Sets of weights: Light, Medium & Heavy. Mediums are what you will use most of the time, switching to Lights when you’ve reached exhaustion or you have an injury or “weaker” area. Heavy’s are used to push yourself & get stronger.

We’ll Sculpt our Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders/Deltoids!

Q. Ok, what size weights do YOU use?

A. For reference only (don’t compare – we’re all on our own path!) my Light, Medium & Heavy Weights are 10’s, 12’s and 15’s. 15’s I like to use for biceps, then drop to 12’s when my muscles start reaching exhaustion. I use 10’s for things like Shoulder raises because I have a permanent shoulder injury. Sad face. Need weights? Start here: Dumb-Bells

Q. How often should I do the workout to get results?

A. First, make sure you’re using weights that challenge you. Next, do this Arm workout at least 3x/week for 6-8 weeks to start seeing results! You can also integrate this 15-minute arm workout into your regular workout. It’s focused, efficient and effective!

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