We are the average of the 5 people with whom we spend the most time. Who we choose, influences the person we eventually become.
Who You Surround Yourself With – Influences the Person You Become
Think about that . . . The 5 main people in your life – you know, the ones with whom you spend the most amount of time – influences the person you eventually become. They affect your thoughts and your actions. They can either work to elevate your life or to bring your life down.
Many times we make friends mindlessly, spending time with certain people simply because it’s convenient. Maybe you work together or live close by. Maybe they’re just a part of “the group” with whom you socialize – so it’s kind of a no-brainer & you don’t think much about it. Been there.
Who are YOUR 5-people?
Who are they? Think about it….write them down. When you begin to think more critically in terms of the influence that these 5 people have on your life, really ask yourself and think about these key questions:
+ Would you choose the same 5?
+ Who would you keep? Why?
+ Who would you eliminate? Why?
+ Which ones are positive, enlightening and inspirational to you? These are the keepers.
+ Which ones are negative, bitter, unhappy and generally make you feel down? These are the dead branches in your life.
+ What does each person add to your life, if anything?
Negative people COST you the benefits you would have gotten from a more elevated group:
You could be the strongest, happiest, most confident, positive person on the face of the earth, but if you constantly surround yourself with negative, fear-based people, it will affect your life’s progression.
If you are exceptionally strong and grounded, the impact will be much smaller, but you lose out on the positive benefits you would have absorbed from a more elevated group.
Instead, mindfully seek out people you admire, who inspire you to think bigger, to be a better person, to grow and evolve in positivity and light.
Surround yourself with people who have an exciting, positive mindset and see life and the glass as half full—not half empty. This is one of the 10 Habits of Happy People.
Being around these types of people will naturally raise our vibration to meet theirs. In turn, the Universe will respond by bringing more positive things into your life.
Negative thoughts and energy attracts more of the same. Positive thoughts and energy, attracts more of the same.
We always have the power of choice
We always have the power of choice. Always. People earn the right to be a part of your life – and they do so by adding to it, not taking from it. Just because they’ve been there for a long-time, doesn’t mean they get a free-pass to constantly bring you down. Many times, relationships that worked at one time – simply no longer work. It can be for a myriad of reasons, that really don’t matter. If the bottom line, is that it no longer works for you – and you constantly feel – well…. just not good around him/her – let it go.
For sure, some people are harder to let go of than others due to the amount of time you’ve known them – or out of circumstance, like maybe you live together or its a relative. But still, the choice is yours to make. As my sister says – you have to figure out if the juice is worth the squeeze. 😉
+ 22 Badass Rules: 22 Rules Badass Women Follow
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